Thursday, July 15, 2010

What to see? Weekend of July 16th.

I would go see anything by a handful of currently working directors no matter what the movie is about. Christopher Nolan is one of those directors. Memento ranks #3 on my FlickChart, so it's fairly obvious what I'll be going to this weekend, in IMAX, of course. Will Inception be the last big summer blockbuster in 2D? Leave me your thoughts on that in the comments.

Go see:

Hollywood Studios:
Inception - Warner Bros. - Rated PG-13

Yes, Christopher Nolan's "Inception" is unthinkably complex, a whirligig puzzlebox thriller set in a world of dreams (and dreams-within-dreams), but it's also a exceptionally aspiring project in general: a large studio movie, whose budget tickled the $200 million mark, that isn't based on a preexisting franchise, video game or breakfast cereal more.

Please Give - SPC - Rated R

Unfairly ignored by audiences and critics, this terrific, emotionally soulful picture, is an underrated gem and audiences with a female-centric bent would be wise to spend their time with these fully-dimensionalized characters rather than the cardboard cut-outs of "Twilight: Eclipse" and "Sex And The City 2." more.

Wild Grass - SPC - Unrated

I did enjoy the film's style—its exuberant colors, the restless, ever-curious camera, and the way it wove ominous undertones into an essentially light surface—and of course I enjoyed the loving references to the power of more.

Exit Through the Gift Shop - Producers Distribution - Rated R

Is it real or fake? In the end, it doesn't really matter because Banksy's high wire not-quite-documentary is one of the most flat out entertaining films you will see this more.

Enjoy the movies.

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