Monday, March 8, 2010

Avatar loses Best Picture...Because Hollywood Already Won

At the end of the day, the goal of the film industry (aka Hollywood) is to put butts in seats.  No film has been more successful at that since Gone With the Wind than Avatar

Yet, Hollywood decided against rewarding Avatar for this accomplishment for I believe one huge reason...3D.  I haven't heard much said about the fact that Avatar is the first live action motion picture to be nominated for Best Picture that was made and released in 3D.  I guess that says a lot to how good that 3D was.

I, for one, believed 3D would hurt its chances at winning, and while I won't go so far as to say it would have won had it not been in 3D, I do believe there was probably some voters who were not ready to see a 3D film win Best Picture. 

I think The Hurt Locker is deserving and don't want to take anything away from that film, but in fifty years when we look back and talk about the films of this era, Avatar will be mentioned and remembered for many reasons in a similar way a film like Citizen Kane didn't take home the big prize in 1941.  And no I'm not trying to put Avatar into even a close category, I am simply pointing to another film that Hollywood wasn't quite ready for at the time.

It is fitting that Alice in Wonderland should ring up the biggest 3D opening on the same weekend as the Oscars.  Because while The Hurt Locker won the battle for the night, Hollywood continues to win the war.  Avatar has proven 3D to Hollywood in a big way and now everyone from Spielberg to Scorsese know if they want to get something done, just say you'll shoot it in 3D.  I wonder how long it will be before Kathryn Bigelow has a 3D film to her credit?

Sure films have come in 3D before Avatar, including a better film that won the Best Animation Oscar in Up, but when we're only going to 3D films in ten years I think everyone will look back, happily or grumpily, and point to Avatar as the film that started the 3D avalanche and possibly the end to films that do a lot with a little and get rewarded for it, like The Hurt Locker.

I believe a real turning point is occurring and Academy Members made the right decision in the end, because I for one do not want the only size screen I have a choice to see a film like The Hurt Locker sitting in my living room or hocked up to my Internet. 

The reason a film should win Best Picture is because the experience you have with it.  3D is being touted as an enhancement to the experience by many, but the only true way to enhance a film is with the story.  Because stories have heart and soul.  The story is what we remember.

I just hope Hollywood will remember that as they are counting up all those zeros at the end of their 3D films box office receipts.

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