Often when you read a Q&A with a professional screenwriter, the questions are asked: "What is your process; how many hours a day do you write; how many pages a day do you write?" While I may listen to the different answers, and they're always difficult, I quickly forget what other writers say about their work ethic. I only care about my own process and the finished script. After all, there is only one thing everyone else cares about, the finished script.
How you get there is all up to you, but you must get there. If you want to be a professional, your career depends on it. This recent article on deadline.com says it all:
WHERE'S MY SCRIPT?! Warner Bros Cracks Down On Screenwriter's Late Delivery Dates
The deadline. In my opinion, the one writing process every screenwriter must have. Since I come from a masters program in screenwriting, I'm a big fan of the weekly deadline. Pick a day and time. Pick a page count. If you finish the script in the set number of weeks, you passed the class.
From the sounds of things rumbling out of Hollywood, working pros know this lesson all too well already.
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